
Onision Theme Song

I made a theme song, I thought it was kind of lovely... it's amazing what imagination's people have, but all you can do about that is sing when you want to and live on smiling... there must be sunshine and there must be rain. Here's the song & lyrics: Onision · Onision Intro   I never knew I could find a guy as great as Onision Until I met anyone other than Onision Then I realized that Onision was kinda insane Yeah there's something not right with this guy Everyone around me, warned me not to watch Onision They said he'd brainwash me into loving Onision But all those people mystriously disappeared now I don't remember what they said Onision's videos are the best in the world if every other entertainer was dead It's Onision, not OH-NEE-SHUN not ON SEE ON or ONION-SAN His name is James not greg or greggles stop calling him gurg, gorg or freaking gaggles. Onision not OM-NEE-SHUN not o-ni-SON not CREEP or GROOMER Whatever you heard bad...

Vibration & Flow

The brass hurts my ears… But the tones love my core… Hurting me, but trying to sound good… I let them in… siding with the purest grace… Covered in noise. Bursts of power, audio fuels my soul… Eating away at constriction… Breaking the chains… I live for the feeling… When I fall to my knees, I will ask for more. When the noise finds my skull… Let the blood flow free… Let the noise flow.  

The New Onision Song

I worked on this song for a bit… at some point I got an overwhelming feeling of hopelessness. I wasn’t sure if I was going to be able to finish it… I thought I was failing again… After my eyes stopped watering… I got up and finished the song… I was surprised by how much my perception of myself altered reality. It’s actually a good song. But I can do better. I hope I will in the future. I’m posting the song to right now.

The Inner Walls

Bring me down from cloud… cloud four three two puff… I want to fall through the cream… into the dust… Sink away as the grass folds over my eyes… I’m living… loving… breathless below… Under the middle day’s sun. Swept into the sea… cool to my skin… I am paralyzed and loving it… Down here… feeling so deep inside… Letting the creatures grow on me, I fall further into my destiny… The dark, the cold… And yet I feel so warm… pure. It cools my mind it warms my soul… Sliding through the cracks of her heart. Smooth soil, slides across my face… Smiling as I go. Deeper, deeper… into the core of our home. Now it’s cold… as I am destroyed by her force… Loving, living, lying in death… at this depth. The best thing about my life was they way I left… I’m gone now… but at least I touched the womb… once again.  

Us And Our Meaning

Why are we here? I don’t know… Why am I alone? Because you are… Where am I going? Forward… Backward… It does not matter. When will I get there..? I hope… soon. I could build a tower… I really could… I would eat a mountain… I really would… I should bury my desires… I really should… For you.